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Robustez total mejorada de la válvula, nuevo actuador mecánico y largo total reducido: descubre las nuevas series DH/DK 60.

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¡Bájate el nuevo software S-SW-SIZING gratis y calcula las emisiones de CO2 y MWh ahorradas con el ciclo de funcionamiento de tu máquina!

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¡La nueva inversión va a convertir a Atos en una fábrica inteligente de nueva generación en menos de dos años!


¡Regístrate ahora gratis para nuestro próximo webinar sobre la calefacción por inducción del 27 de octubre de 2022!


A trip out of town for the Atos Group Managers: a united team even outside the office!


Multi-certified electro-hydraulic components for applications in potentially explosive environments: discover our range


New inductive proximity sensors on ex-proof on-off directional valves, to safely operate even in potentially explosive environments


Register now for free for our next technical webinar on inductive heating on October 27, 2022!


Watch the new video on SMART PROPORTIONAL VALVES

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Products that offer full connectivity to the main industrial communication standards and to the latest point-to-point protocols

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From September, new main stage transducer with Pmax 420 bar on all proportional pilot operated directional valves and cartridges!

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Discover the patented energy saving system based on inductive heating technology, which safely reduces pre-heating times!